Eight Simple Steps to Build a Wonder.
Click on pictures to view detail.
Create An Account Prepare Library Resource
Down Arrow Select Build Bin Up Arrow Down Arrow Select Background Image
Down Arrow
Link and Save Scenes Configure Items
Down Arrow Add Scene Effects Up Arrow Down Arrow Place Items
Background Images LibraryItem Images Library
Members of eWonders can access our library of background images using the search engine in the resource page under the Build menu. The background search engine has the following filtering parameters:

Image Size
Image Format
Method - This filter classify the image based on method of creation, such as Photo, Painting, Drawing, Line Art, and etc.
Type - This filter classify the image based on usage.
Style - This filter classify the image based on source and time frame.
Keywords - relevant words used to describe the image
The resource page under the Build menu has a separate search engine for library of item images. The item search engine has the following filtering parameters:

Image Size
Style - This filter classify the image based on source of creation, such as Photo, Painting, Drawing, Texture, and etc.
Category - This filter classify the image based on item classification.
Sub-Category - This filter classify the image based on finer level of item classification.
Keywords - relevant words used to describe the image
Publish and Broadcast Wonders
When a wonder is completed, it can be saved as an archive on the device, or it can be published on the GOeWonders server. The publication can be done privately to be shared only within the author's community, or it can be done publicly to all eWonders' members.

After publishing a wonder, the author can also send the new wonder to other members or inform others using eWonders build in message system. The GOeWonders website also has New Release Announcement to broadcast and promote the release of a new wonder. An author can help promotion of a new public wonder by providing good description, screen shots, graphic icons, and play hints in the wonder's information page under Build/My Wonders menu selection.

Sharing a wonder between an author and an player can be an unique and exciting experience for both parties. The publication and broadcasting functions in eWonders are designed to enhance that experience. The flow chart below outline this sharing process for a new wonder.

Build Wonder Broadcast Wonders
Down Arrow Publish Wonders Up Arrow Down Arrow Play Wonder
Bonus Features
You can purchase the bonus features below to build a wonder more efficiently.

    Build Storage Bins - Build multiple Wonders simultaneously or create multiple version of a wonder.
    Device Archive Space - Save all the wonders created on your device. Access them anytime without internet access.
    Private Publication Allocation - Increase storage space to publish more private wonders.
    Background Image Storage - Increase storage space to import more background images in the library.
    Item Image Storage - Increase storage space to import more item images in the library.
    Gadget Packs - Additional gadgets for your items to create more exciting wonders.

You can also purchase Advance Builder package or Expert Builder Package to enhance both playing and building capabilities at a discount price.